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Susteren is a type of traditional cloth from Indonesia, particularly from the island of Java. It is typically made from silk and embroidered with intricate designs. Susteren is known for its vibrant colors and delicate patterns, and it has become popular as a decorative fabric for clothing and home decor.

Senses and Usages:

1. Noun

In this sense, "susteren" refers to the traditional cloth from Indonesia.

Example sentence: The bride wore a stunning gown made of susteren on her wedding day.

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2. Verb

As a verb, "susteren" means to adorn or decorate something with susteren cloth or designs.

Example sentence: The table was susterened with a beautiful tablecloth for the special occasion.

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3. Adjective

Used as an adjective, "susteren" describes something related to or resembling the aesthetic qualities of susteren cloth.

Example sentence: The living room had a susteren-inspired decor, with colorful silk drapes and embroidered throw pillows.

Search for silk decorative pillows on Amazon
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