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surrounded by


Definitions from the Web

Term: Surrounded By

Description: "Surrounded by" is a prepositional phrase that indicates the position or situation of something or someone being encircled or encompassed by other entities.


  1. Used as a Preposition: When used as a preposition, "surrounded by" highlights the state of being enclosed or encased by something or someone.
  2. Used as an Idiom: "Surrounded by" idiomatically suggests being in the midst of certain circumstances or people.
  3. Used as an Adjective: In some cases, "surrounded by" can function as an adjective, attributing a state of being enveloped or encompassed by something.


  1. Preposition:
    • The small island was surrounded by crystal-clear waters.
    • The magnificent castle was surrounded by a colossal stone wall.
  2. Idiom:
    • Despite the challenges, she always felt surrounded by friends who cared for her.
    • Living in the city, he found himself surrounded by the hustle and bustle of everyday life.
  3. Adjective:
    • She stood in the center of the room, feeling surrounded by a warm and loving atmosphere.
    • The hiker enjoyed the breathtaking view from the mountaintop, surrounded by majestic peaks.

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