Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebSurgical KnifeDefinition:A surgical knife, also known as a scalpel, is a sharp instrument used by surgeons to make incisions or to dissect tissue during various surgical procedures. Parts of Speech:Noun Senses:1. A thin, sharp-bladed knife used in surgeries. 2. A precision cutting tool used by medical professionals. Usages:Popular Usage: 1. The surgeon picked up the surgical knife to make a precise incision. 2. The sharpened tip of the surgical knife helped the surgeon perform a delicate procedure. Local Usage: 1. The local hospital has invested in advanced surgical knives to ensure more accurate surgeries. 2. The skilled local surgeon demonstrated his expertise by using the surgical knife with precision. Sample Sentences:1. The surgeon carefully wielded the surgical knife to remove the tumor. 2. The surgical knife slipped through the tissue effortlessly, thanks to its sharpness. 3. The brand-new surgical knife provided better control during the operation. Related Products:Find various surgical knives and related products on Amazon. | ||||
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