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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective supraocular has 1 sense
  1. supraorbital, supraocular - located or occurring above the eye socket

Definitions from the Web



Supraocular is an adjective that refers to something situated above or relating to the area above the eyes.


  1. Anatomy: Relating to or situated above the eye socket.
  2. Zoology: Pertaining to a structure or feature located above the eyes of certain animals.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The supraocular bone forms a protective ridge above the eye socket.
  2. The bird's supraocular feathers are vibrant and attract attention.
  3. He suffered a supraocular injury after the accident and required immediate medical attention.
  4. The snake's supraocular scales help protect its eyes from debris while moving through vegetation.

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