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suomi-ven j


Definitions from the Web


Term Description:

Suomi-Venäjä is a term used to describe the language and cultural relations between Finland (Suomi) and Russia (Venäjä). It refers to the combination of Finnish and Russian elements, often related to the bilingualism and cultural exchange between the two countries.

Sample Sentences:

As a Noun:

1. Learning Suomi-Venäjä can be challenging but rewarding for those interested in both Finnish and Russian cultures.

2. The Suomi-Venäjä spoken along the border regions showcases the linguistic and cultural blend between the two countries.

As an Adjective:

1. The Suomi-Venäjä community in Helsinki celebrates both Finnish and Russian holidays.

2. We attended a Suomi-Venäjä cooking class where we learned to prepare traditional dishes from both countries.

Related Products on Amazon:

1. Suomi-Venäjä Language Course

2. Finnish and Russian Cultural Exchange Books

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