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sunflower-seed oil


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sunflower-seed oil has 1 sense
  1. sunflower oil, sunflower-seed oil - oil from sunflower seeds
    --1 is a kind of vegetable oil, oil
    --1 is a substance of sunflower seed

Definitions from the Web

Sunflower-seed oil


Sunflower-seed oil is a type of edible oil that is extracted from the seeds of sunflowers. It is commonly used in cooking and for its various health benefits. The oil has a light color, mild flavor, and a high smoke point, making it suitable for a wide range of culinary applications.

Sample sentences:

  1. I prefer using sunflower-seed oil in my salad dressings as it adds a subtle nutty taste.
  2. Many people choose sunflower-seed oil for frying due to its high smoke point.
  3. Adding a few drops of sunflower-seed oil to your hair can help nourish and moisturize it.
  4. The production of sunflower-seed oil has been steadily increasing in recent years, reflecting its growing popularity.

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