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Definitions from WordNet

Noun sukiyaki has 1 sense
  1. sukiyaki - thin beef strips (or chicken or pork) cooked briefly at the table with onions and greens and soy sauce
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web


Noun (Food)

Sukiyaki is a popular Japanese hotpot dish that consists of thinly sliced beef, tofu, vegetables, and noodles, all cooked in a sweet and savory soy-based sauce.

Sample sentence: I went to a traditional Japanese restaurant and ordered sukiyaki, which was served in a sizzling hot pot.

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Sukiyaki can also be used as an adjective to describe something related to or characteristic of the Japanese hotpot dish or its culinary style.

Sample sentence: The sukiyaki restaurant offers an authentic dining experience with traditional Japanese decor and sukiyaki-style cooking stations.


As a verb, sukiyaki refers to the act of preparing or cooking sukiyaki.

Sample sentence: I enjoy sukiyaki, so I often sukiyaki at home for my friends and family.

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Local usage (Place)

In certain regions of Japan, sukiyaki is referred to as a local specialty, such as in the city of Yokohama.

Sample sentence: If you visit Yokohama, don't miss the opportunity to try their famous local sukiyaki.

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