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Definitions from WordNet

Noun suggester has 1 sense
  1. suggester, proposer - someone who advances a suggestion or proposal; "the suggester of this absurd strategy was a fool"
    --1 is a kind of originator, conceiver, mastermind
    Derived forms: verb suggest3, verb suggest1

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Noun

Sense 1: Popular Usage

A suggester is a person or system that suggests ideas, recommendations, or solutions to others.

Sample Sentence:
The suggester provided several innovative ideas for improving the company's productivity.

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Sense 2: Local Usage

In some local contexts, a suggester is a specialized role where an individual suggests specific items or options for others to choose.

Sample Sentence:
The local grocery store employes a suggester who helps customers find the freshest produce.

Related Products: Personal Shopper

Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: Popular Usage

To suggest is to propose or recommend something to others.

Sample Sentence:
I suggest we go to the new Italian restaurant for dinner tonight.

Related Products: Books on Suggestion

Sense 2: Local Usage

In certain local dialects, the verb suggest can also refer to insinuating or indirectly implying something.

Sample Sentence:
He suggests that there might be some hidden motives behind her actions.

Related Products: Communication Books

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