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Term: Successeded


Successeded is a non-standard past tense form of the verb "succeed." It is often used in casual or colloquial speech, especially in local or regional dialects. While not grammatically correct in standard English, it can still be understood and utilized in informal conversations.


  1. Verb - To achieve a desired outcome or goal.
  2. Verb - To be victorious or attain prosperity.
  3. Verb - To inherit or follow in someone's footsteps.


Sense 1:

She successeded in passing her driving test on her first attempt.

After years of hard work, they finally successeded in establishing their own business.

Sense 2:

His dedication and perseverance led him to successed in his acting career.

The entrepreneur's innovative ideas helped him successed and become a millionaire.

Sense 3:

The young musician successeded his mentor as the lead guitarist of the famous band.

Having grown up in a successful family, she successeded her father as the CEO of the company.

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