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Definitions from WordNet

Noun subsection has 1 sense
  1. subsection, subdivision - a section of a section; a part of a part; i.e., a part of something already divided
    --1 is a kind of section, segment

Definitions from the Web



Subsections refer to smaller divisions or distinct parts within a larger section of a written document, such as a book, article, or legal text. They help organize and structure the content, making it easier for readers to navigate and comprehend the information presented.



  1. A smaller division within a larger section of a written document or text.
  2. Specific topics or subjects treated separately within a larger context.


  1. To divide a section or text into smaller parts or subsections.
  2. To categorize or classify different topics within a larger framework.



  1. The book is organized into several subsections, each covering a different aspect of the topic.
  2. In this legal document, you can find the regulations in subsection 2.1.4.


  1. Please subsection this chapter into smaller parts for better readability.
  2. The report needs to be subsectioned to address individual findings and recommendations.

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