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subcutaneous test


Definitions from WordNet

Noun subcutaneous test has 1 sense
  1. intradermal test, subcutaneous test - a form of skin test in which the suspected allergen is injected into the skin
    --1 is a kind of skin test

Definitions from the Web

Subcutaneous Test


The subcutaneous test is a medical procedure used to assess a patient's allergic sensitivity by injecting a small amount of allergen under the skin, usually on the forearm. It is commonly performed to diagnose allergies and determine the specific substances provoking an allergic reaction.

Sample Sentences:

1. She underwent a subcutaneous test to identify the allergen causing her severe skin rash.

2. The doctor performed a subcutaneous test on the patient's arm to diagnose the possible allergens.

3. If you suspect you have a food allergy, consult an allergist who can administer a subcutaneous test to provide accurate results.

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