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Part of Speech: Adjective

Definition: Pertaining to or relating to land above the water level but still affected by its proximity to water.

Example Sentence: The subareal vegetation near the riverbank thrived despite occasional floods.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: The area of land above the water level but still influenced by nearby water sources.

Example Sentence: The wildlife observed in the subareal was diverse, including frogs, turtles, and various bird species.

Part of Speech: Adverb

Definition: In a manner related to or characteristic of land above the water level but influenced by water.

Example Sentence: The plants grew subareally, absorbing moisture from the humid air.

Part of Speech: Local (Colloquial)

Definition: A term used in local slang to refer to an area of land above the water level.

Example Sentence: Let's take a walk in the subareal before sunset; the view from there is stunning.

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