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sturm and drang


Definitions from the Web

Sturm and Drang

Noun - A literary movement:

Sturm and Drang, meaning "storm and stress" in German, refers to a literary movement in the late 18th century characterized by intense emotions, tumultuous events, and rebellious tendencies. Originating in Germany, this movement emphasized individualism, subjectivity, and a rejection of societal norms. Authors such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Friedrich Schiller were prominent figures in the Sturm and Drang movement.

Example sentence: The Sturm and Drang movement was a precursor to Romanticism, influencing many European writers and philosophers.

Noun - Turbulent emotions or unrest:

In a broader sense, Sturm and Drang can also refer to turbulent emotions or unrest experienced in a person's life. The term is used metaphorically to describe periods of intense struggle, passion, or chaos.

Example sentence: After losing his job, he went through a period of Sturm and Drang, unsure about his future and filled with anxiety.

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