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Definitions from WordNet

Noun streamliner has 1 sense
  1. streamliner - a streamlined train
    --1 is a kind of
    train, railroad train
    Derived form: verb streamline1

Definitions from the Web



A streamliner is a type of vehicle or transport design that minimizes air resistance to achieve higher speeds and improved efficiency. Streamliners are characterized by their sleek and aerodynamic shapes, which optimize airflow and reduce drag.

Sample sentences:

  1. The new train model introduced by the transportation company is a streamliner, designed for faster and more efficient travel.
  2. The vintage streamliner cars from the 1930s still captivate the attention of train enthusiasts.
  3. The streamliner bicycle effortlessly glides through the air due to its aerodynamic frame.
  4. The concept car's futuristic design features a roofline reminiscent of classic streamliners.

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