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straight man


Definitions from WordNet

Noun straight man has 1 sense
  1. straight man, second banana - a performer who acts as stooge to a comedian
    --1 is a kind of performer, performing artist

Definitions from the Web

Straight Man


A "straight man" refers to a performer who plays the role of a serious, rational, or ordinary character, typically in comedy acts, to contrast with the antics of a comic or a more eccentric character.


Part of Speech: Noun

  1. John is an incredible straight man; his serious demeanor perfectly complements his partner's hilarious jokes.
  2. The straight man's deadpan expressions had the audience roaring with laughter.

Part of Speech: Adjective

  1. Though not known for his comedy skills, Tom managed to play the straight man role with perfection.
  2. Being the straight man in the duo, Mark always provided a steady foundation for their comedic sketches.

Part of Speech: Phrase

  1. The comedy act relied on the classic combination of a funnyman and a straight man.
  2. In their hilarious skit, the straight man played the befuddled customer while the funnyman portrayed an overeager salesman.

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