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storeria occipitamaculata


Definitions from WordNet

Noun storeria occipitamaculata has 1 sense
  1. red-bellied snake, Storeria occipitamaculata - harmless woodland snake of southeastern United States
    --1 is a kind of colubrid snake, colubrid
    --1 is a member of Storeria, genus Storeria

Definitions from the Web

Storeria occipitamaculata


Storeria occipitamaculata is a species of small, non-venomous snake native to North America. Commonly known as the Red-bellied Snake, it is characterized by its dark brown or reddish-brown coloration on its back, a light-colored belly, and a distinct reddish blotch on the back of its head.


Sense 1 - Noun:

Storeria occipitamaculata refers to a species of small snake with a reddish-brown coloration and a distinctive blotch on the back of its head.

Example sentence: The Storeria occipitamaculata is often found in wooded areas throughout the eastern coast of the United States.

Related products: Red-bellied Snake books

Sense 2 - Adjective:

Storeria occipitamaculata describes something related to or characteristic of the Red-bellied Snake.

Example sentence: The hiker carefully observed the Storeria occipitamaculata snake as it slithered through the underbrush.

Related products: Snake toys

Sense 3 - Verb:

Storeria occipitamaculata can also function as a verb, symbolizing the action of moving or slithering quietly and discreetly, similar to how a Red-bellied Snake maneuvers its way.

Example sentence: The cat skillfully storeria occipitamaculataed through the narrow gap in the fence to catch the bird.

Related products: Snake costumes

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