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store detective


Definitions from WordNet

Noun store detective has 1 sense
  1. store detective - a private detective employed by a merchant to stop pilferage
    --1 is a kind of
    private detective, PI, private eye, private investigator, operative, shamus, sherlock

Definitions from the Web

Term: store detective

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A security officer who works undercover in a store to prevent shoplifting and other illegal activities.

Usage: In popular usage, a store detective is often seen as someone who blends in with customers and keeps a watchful eye on potential shoplifters.

Related products on Amazon: Store Detective Badge, Store Detective Uniform, Undercover Security Camera

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: A person employed by a store to detect and solve internal issues, such as employee theft or fraud.

Usage: A store detective in this sense is responsible for investigating and resolving internal issues that may arise within the store.

Related products on Amazon: Fraud Investigation Guide, Employee Theft Solutions

Part of speech: Noun

Sense: In some local contexts, a store detective refers to a person who specializes in identifying counterfeit or fake products in stores.

Usage: A store detective in this local sense works closely with store owners and law enforcement agencies to identify and remove counterfeit products from circulation.

Related products on Amazon: Counterfeit Detection Guide, Fake Product Identification Tools

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