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Definitions from WordNet

Noun stockhorn has 1 sense
  1. hornpipe, pibgorn, stockhorn - an ancient (now obsolete) single-reed woodwind; usually made of bone
    --1 is a kind of single-reed instrument, single-reed woodwind

Definitions from the Web



1. A mountain peak in the Bernese Alps, Switzerland.

Example sentence: The Stockhorn offers a breathtaking panoramic view of the surrounding Swiss Alps.


2. A traditional Swiss horn made from cattle horn, used for musical performances.

Example sentence: The musicians played a lively melody on their stockhorns during the local festival.


3. A popular soup base made by simmering animal bones, meat, or vegetables, used in cooking.

Example sentence: The flavorful stockhorn enhanced the taste of the homemade chicken noodle soup.


4. Referring to something that is widely accepted or embraced by the public; popular.

Example sentence: The stockhorn smartphone model quickly became the top-selling device due to its exceptional features.


5. Pertaining to a particular locality or region; local.

Example sentence: The stockhorn brewery is famous for its unique, locally brewed beers.

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