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Definitions from WordNet

Noun stigmatization has 1 sense
  1. stigmatization, stigmatisation, branding - the act of stigmatizing
    --1 is a kind of disapproval
    Derived forms: verb stigmatize1, verb stigmatize2

Definitions from the Web



Stigmatization refers to the act of assigning a negative or disgraceful label to a person, group, or concept in society. It encompasses the process of social rejection or disapproval based on perceived characteristics, behavior, or beliefs.


1. Noun – Social Disgrace

Stigmatization, as a noun, refers to the social disgrace or negative labeling imposed on individuals or communities.

Example Sentences:
  1. The stigmatization experienced by people with mental illnesses can lead to isolation and hamper their recovery.
  2. Racial stigmatization can perpetuate discrimination and inequality.

2. Verb – To Stigmatize

As a verb, stigmatization describes the action of assigning a negative label or perception to someone or something.

Example Sentences:
  1. The media often stigmatizes individuals who are not conforming to traditional beauty standards.
  2. It is important not to stigmatize individuals struggling with addiction, as it can hinder their chances of seeking help.

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