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statement of expenditure


Definitions from the Web

Statement of Expenditure


A statement of expenditure refers to a document that provides a detailed record of all financial outflows made by an individual, organization, or government entity. It typically includes information such as the date, description, category, and amount spent.


As a noun

  • The company prepares a statement of expenditure at the end of each fiscal year.
  • John requested a statement of expenditure from the bank to track his monthly expenses.
  • The government published a statement of expenditure outlining the allocation of funds.

As a verb (to make a statement of expenditure)

  • Before approving the project, the board asked the organization to make a statement of expenditure to ensure cost-effectiveness.
  • Individuals are advised to make a statement of expenditure to maintain a clear financial overview.
  • The accountant will help you make a statement of expenditure that accurately reflects your business expenses.

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