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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective star-shaped has 1 sense
  1. asteroid, star-shaped - shaped like a star
    Antonym: rounded (indirect, via angular)

Definitions from the Web



Star-shaped is an adjective that describes something with the form or appearance of a star. It refers to objects, patterns, or structures that have a shape resembling a star, typically with multiple points or branches extending from a central point.


Here are some examples that illustrate the different uses of the term star-shaped:

  1. Adjective: The star-shaped flower petals added an elegant touch to the bouquet.
  2. Noun: The children looked up at the star-shaped in the night sky with wonder.
  3. Verb: She carefully star-shaped the dough for the Christmas cookies before baking them.
  4. Adverb: The fireworks exploded star-shaped and lit up the night sky.
  5. Preposition: The famous landmark is located at the center of a star-shaped park.

Related Products

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