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Verb stagnate has 4 senses
  1. stagnate - stand still; "Industry will stagnate if we do not stimulate our economy"
    --1 is one way to
    Derived form: noun stagnation1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
  2. stagnate - cause to stagnate; "There are marshes that stagnate the waters"
    --2 is one way to
    Derived forms: noun stagnation1, noun stagnation2, noun stagnancy1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s something
  3. stagnate - cease to flow; stand without moving; "Stagnating waters"; "blood stagnates in the capillaries"
    --3 is one way to
    Derived forms: noun stagnation2, noun stagnancy1
    Sample sentence:
    Something ----s
  4. idle, laze, slug, stagnate - be idle; exist in a changeless situation; "The old man sat and stagnated on his porch"; "He slugged in bed all morning"
    Derived forms: noun stagnation1, noun stagnancy2
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
stagirus stagnancy stagnant stagnant anoxia stagnant hypoxia stagnantly stagnat stagnate stagnated stagnates stagnating stagnation stagnatn stagourakis stags stagwager stagy

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