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Term: staggeredly

Part of Speech: Adverb

Description: In a staggered or unsteady manner; with a lack of stability or balance.

Sense 1:

Usage: The drunk man walked staggeredly towards the bar counter, struggling to maintain his balance.

Sense 2:

Usage: The injured athlete limped staggeredly toward the finish line, determined to complete the race.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Description: Pertaining to a state or condition of being staggered or unsteady.

Sense 1:

Usage: The room was filled with an unusual silence as the audience gazed upon the staggeredly stacked chairs after the performance.

Sense 2:

Usage: The construction workers inspected the staggeredly built wall for any signs of instability.

Part of Speech: Verb (Present Participle)

Description: Present participle of the verb "stagger."

Sense 1:

Usage: She was observed staggering around the room, unable to find her glasses.

Sense 2:

Usage: The exhausted hiker hobbled along, staggeredly climbing up the steep mountain trail.

Part of Speech: Adverb (archaic)

Description: In a way that causes someone to become staggered or amazed.

Sense 1:

Usage: The striking beauty of the landscape left the visitors staggeredly gasping for breath.

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