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staff officer


Definitions from WordNet

Noun staff officer has 1 sense
  1. staff officer - a commissioned officer assigned to a military commander's staff
    --1 is a kind of
    commissioned officer
    --1 has particulars: judge advocate; quartermaster general

Definitions from the Web

Staff Officer


A staff officer is an individual who holds a position within a military organization and is responsible for administrative, operational, and organizational tasks to support the commanding officers. They work closely with commanders, providing expertise and guidance in areas such as logistics, communications, planning, and intelligence.


  • The staff officer presented a detailed analysis of the enemy's movements during the briefing.
  • As a staff officer, she was in charge of coordinating the transportation of supplies to the front lines.
  • The general relied on the expertise of his staff officers to devise a strategic military plan.
  • During the operation, the staff officer ensured effective communication between different units.

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