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st. augustine grass


Definitions from WordNet

Noun st. augustine grass has 1 sense
  1. St. Augustine grass, Stenotaphrum secundatum, buffalo grass - low mat-forming grass of southern United States and tropical America; grown as a lawn grass
    --1 is a kind of grass
    --1 is a member of Stenotaphrum, genus Stenotaphrum

Definitions from the Web

St. Augustine Grass


St. Augustine Grass, scientifically known as Stenotaphrum secundatum, is a warm-season, perennial grass that is highly popular for lawns in the southeastern United States. It is characterized by its broad, dark green blades and dense growth, making it an excellent choice for areas with moderate to heavy foot traffic.


  1. Noun: A type of grass, native to the Gulf of Mexico area, commonly used for lawns due to its beautiful appearance and resilience.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I love the lushness of St. Augustine Grass in my backyard.
  2. With its ability to tolerate shade and salt, St. Augustine Grass is perfect for coastal regions.
  3. St. Augustine Grass requires regular mowing to maintain its ideal height.
  4. Before planting St. Augustine Grass, it's important to ensure the soil is well-prepared and free of weeds.

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