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Definitions from WordNet

Noun ssw has 1 sense
  1. south southwest, sou'-sou'-west, SSW - the compass point midway between south and southwest
    --1 is a kind of compass point, point

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Acronym


  1. South by Southwest: An annual conglomerate of film, music, and interactive media festivals that take place in Austin, Texas. (Sense: Popular)
  2. Surface Sea Water: Water from the uppermost layer of the ocean's surface. (Sense: Local)
  3. South-southwest: A compass direction between south and southwest, approximately 202.5 degrees clockwise from north. (Sense: Local)

Sample Sentences:

  1. Planning to attend the South by Southwest festival? Make sure you have your tickets in advance.
  2. The surface sea water temperature was perfect for swimming.
  3. To reach your destination, head south-southwest until you spot the large oak tree.
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