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Part of Speech: Verb

Sense: to make a series of soft explosive sounds


  • The firecrackers were sputting in the distance, creating a festive atmosphere.
  • The dry wood kept sputting as the flames licked at it.

Sense: to speak or utter with a series of incoherent or explosive sounds


  • The baby gurgled happily, sputting a stream of unintelligible words.
  • Unable to control his anger, he sputted out a string of curse words.

Sense: to spit out small particles of liquid


  • As she laughed, some of the soda she was drinking sputted out of her mouth.
  • Be careful not to sputt the hot soup when blowing on it to cool it down.

Part of Speech: Noun

Sense: the act or sound of sputting


  • The sputting of the engine indicated a mechanical problem.
  • He could hear the sputting of rain on his umbrella as he walked through the storm.

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