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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective sprawly has 1 sense
  1. sprawled, sprawling, sprawly - spread out irregularly; "sat sprawled in the big armchair"; "the sprawling suburbs"; "a big sprawly city"
    Antonym: unextended (indirect, via extended)

Definitions from the Web



Sprawly is an adjective that describes something characterized by being spread out or untidy in an unattractive way. It often refers to places, structures, or landscapes that lack organization or order.

Possible Parts of Speech:

  • Adjective

Senses and Usages:

Sense 1: Used to describe a place or area that is spread out or disorganized.

Example sentence: The small town was known for its sprawly suburbs with houses lined in no particular order.

Sense 2: Used to describe a structure or building that lacks aesthetic appeal due to its unorganized design.

Example sentence: The modern art gallery received criticism for its sprawly architecture, with mismatched shapes and angles.

Sense 3: Used to describe a landscape or garden that lacks proper planning, resulting in a disheveled appearance.

Example sentence: The neglected garden resembled a sprawly mess of overgrown bushes and weeds.

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