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spotted crake


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spotted crake has 1 sense
  1. spotted crake, Porzana porzana - Eurasian rail of swamps and marshes
    --1 is a kind of crake
    --1 is a member of Porzana, genus Porzana

Definitions from the Web

Spotted Crake


The Spotted Crake is a small aquatic bird belonging to the Rallidae family. With its distinctively spotted plumage, it is often found skulking in dense vegetation near freshwater habitats. This secretive bird is known for its short wings and long toes, enabling it to navigate through dense vegetation and walk on floating plants.


Sense 1: Noun

A small bird species, known for its spotted plumage and secretive nature.

Sense 2: Verb (Past tense)

To have seen or observed a Spotted Crake in its natural habitat.

Sample Sentence:

I spotted a rare Spotted Crake while birdwatching in the wetlands.


The Spotted Crake is a popular bird among birdwatchers due to its elusive nature and unique plumage. It can be found in wetlands, marshes, and other freshwater habitats around the world. Bird enthusiasts often use spotting scopes, binoculars, and birding field guides to enhance their experience of spotting the elusive Spotted Crake.

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