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spoken word


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spoken word has 1 sense
  1. vocable, spoken word - a word that is spoken aloud
    --1 is a kind of word

Definitions from the Web

Spoken Word


Spoken word refers to a form of performance art in which poetry, stories, or monologues are conveyed orally rather than through written texts. It emphasizes the power of spoken language, rhythm, and the delivery of the performer.


1. Noun:

a) Spoken language or expression:

Example sentence: The timeless beauty of Shakespeare's spoken word is unforgettable.

b) A genre of performance art featuring oral presentation of poetry or stories:

Example sentence: The open mic night at the local cafe showcased a variety of spoken word artists.

2. Adjective:

a) Relating to or characteristic of verbal communication:

Example sentence: She has excellent spoken word skills, captivating the audience with every word.

b) Describing an event or gathering where oral expression takes place:

Example sentence: The festival offered a mix of music performances and spoken word events.

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