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spiny softshell


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spiny softshell has 1 sense
  1. spiny softshell, Trionyx spiniferus - river turtle of western United States with a warty shell; prefers quiet water
    --1 is a kind of soft-shelled turtle, pancake turtle
    --1 is a member of Trionyx, genus Trionyx

Definitions from the Web

Spiny Softshell


The term "spiny softshell" refers to a type of freshwater turtle belonging to the Trionychidae family. This species is known for its unique combination of a leathery, soft shell and a rough, spiky texture on its back. The spiny softshell turtle is primarily found in North America, inhabiting rivers, lakes, and ponds.

Senses and Usages:

Noun (Animal):

The spiny softshell is a fascinating aquatic reptile with a distinctive appearance. It has a smooth, soft shell on the underside, aiding in streamlined swimming, while the upper part of its shell is adorned with numerous spines or tubercles.

Example: The spiny softshell is an excellent swimmer due to its unique shell adaptation.

Adjective (Describing Texture):

The term "spiny softshell" can also be used as an adjective to describe something with a rough or prickly texture, resembling the appearance of a spiny softshell turtle's back.

Example: The cactus had spiny softshell leaves that deterred animals from grazing on it.

Local Usage:

In local context, "spiny softshell" may refer to a specific dish made using the meat of the spiny softshell turtle. This dish is a delicacy in certain regions and has a particular cultural significance.

Example: The restaurant featured a local specialty, spiny softshell soup, made from the turtle found in nearby rivers.

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