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Definitions from WordNet

Noun spillage has 2 senses
  1. spillage - the amount that has spilled
    --1 is a kind of
    indefinite quantity
  2. spill, spillage, release - the act of allowing a fluid to escape
    --2 is a kind of flow, stream
    Derived form: verb spill1

Definitions from the Web

Term: Spillages


Spillages refer to accidental or unintentional spills, particularly of liquids, resulting in a mess or the spreading of substances where they are not supposed to be. This term can be used both in a general context and in specific fields such as household, industrial, or environmental settings.

Possible Senses and Usages:

1. Noun: Accidental Spills

When used as a noun, spillages refer to the accidental release or spreading of liquids, solids, or other substances that lead to a mess or potential hazards.

Example Sentence: The spillages of oil on the kitchen floor caused it to become extremely slippery.

2. Noun: Errors in Production or Transport

In an industrial or manufacturing context, spillages can indicate errors or accidents during production or transport that result in a loss or wastage of materials.

Example Sentence: The company faced significant financial losses due to several spillages during the transportation of fragile glassware.

3. Verb: To Spill Accidentally

As a verb, spillages describe the act of accidentally causing a liquid or substance to overflow or scatter, resulting in a mess.

Example Sentence: Be careful not to spillages any coffee while carrying the tray.

4. Adjective: Popular or Localized Spills

When used as an adjective, spillages can describe spills that are either popular or localized, based on their extent, impact, or relevance within a particular area or community.

Example Sentence: The local news channels reported about the spillages of chemicals that occurred near the river, causing concerns among the residents.

Related Products:

Spill Cleaners

Leakproof Water Bottles

Kitchen Aprons

Absorbent Towels

Environmental Safety Gear

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