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Definitions from WordNet

Adverbial speculatively has 1 sense
  1. speculatively, with speculation - in a speculative manner; "he looked at her speculatively"
    Derived from adjective speculative3

Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Adverb

Sense: 1. In a manner that involves conjecture or speculation


  • The detective speculatively analyzed the clues to solve the mysterious murder.
  • She speculatively invested in a startup company, hoping for a high return on her investment.

Sense: 2. In a manner that involves buying or selling with the intention of making a profit from price fluctuations


  • He speculatively traded stocks, hoping to capitalize on the market volatility.
  • Investors speculatively bought cryptocurrencies, aiming to make substantial gains.

Sense: 3. In a manner that emphasizes a contemplative or reflective approach


  • The artist painted speculatively, letting her thoughts and emotions guide her brush strokes.
  • He gazed speculatively at the sunset, lost in deep thought.

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