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speckled alder


Definitions from WordNet

Noun speckled alder has 1 sense
  1. speckled alder, Alnus rugosa - common shrub of Canada and northeastern United States having shoots scattered with rust-colored down
    --1 is a kind of alder, alder tree
    --1 is a member of Alnus, genus Alnus

Definitions from the Web

Speckled Alder


Speckled alder refers to a deciduous shrub belonging to the Betulaceae family. Also known as Alnus rugosa, it is native to North America and commonly found in wetlands, riverbanks, and other wet areas. This shrub typically grows to a height of 10-20 feet and is characterized by its oval-shaped leaves, smooth bark, and small, round cones. The speckled alder gets its name from the speckled appearance of its bark, which is smooth with white lenticels.

Sample sentences:

  • The speckled alder thrives in the marshy areas near our cabin.
  • I spotted a speckled alder along the riverbank during my hike.
  • The leaves of the speckled alder turn a vibrant yellow in the autumn.
  • The speckled alder's bark provides an interesting contrast of colors in the winter landscape.

Possible related products:

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