Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebSpasmodic LaryngitisNoun - Spasmodic laryngitis refers to a condition characterized by sudden spasms or contractions of the larynx, causing hoarseness or temporary loss of voice. It is usually caused by strained vocal cords or irritation in the throat. Example Sentence: The singer had to cancel the concert due to a severe case of spasmodic laryngitis. Related Products (Amazon search): Laryngitis RemediesVocal Cord Exercises Throat Lozenges | ||||
spartium junceum spasdodic spasems spasems spasm spasma spasmadic spasmodic spasmodic laryngitis spasmodically spasmolysis spasmolytic spasmonic spasms spasmus spasmus oesophagi spassky