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spasmodic laryngitis


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spasmodic laryngitis has 1 sense
  1. croup, spasmodic laryngitis - a disease of infants and young children; harsh coughing and hoarseness and fever and difficult breathing
    --1 is a kind of angina

Definitions from the Web

Spasmodic Laryngitis

Noun - Spasmodic laryngitis refers to a condition characterized by sudden spasms or contractions of the larynx, causing hoarseness or temporary loss of voice. It is usually caused by strained vocal cords or irritation in the throat.

Example Sentence: The singer had to cancel the concert due to a severe case of spasmodic laryngitis.

Related Products (Amazon search):

Laryngitis Remedies
Vocal Cord Exercises
Throat Lozenges
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