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Definitions from the Web


Part of Speech: Verb

Sense 1: To make or become sour

Sourn refers to the act of making something sour or experiencing the process of becoming sour.

Example Sentence:

She added lemon juice to sourn the taste of the dish.

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Sense 2: To become discontented or embittered

Sourn can also describe the feeling of becoming dissatisfied or resentful.

Example Sentence:

The failure of the project caused the team's relationship to sourn.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Describing a sour taste or smell

Sourn as an adjective illustrates the taste or smell that is acidic or tangy.

Example Sentence:

The lemonade had a sourn taste, which made my mouth pucker.

Related Products on Amazon: Sour Candy

Sense 2: Describing a person's discontented or bitter attitude

Sourn can also be used to describe a person who is consistently unhappy or resentful.

Example Sentence:

After losing the election, the politician had a sourn expression whenever in public.

Remember to always source and verify definitions and sample sentences.

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