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Part of Speech: Verb

Definition: Engaging in excessive self-centered or self-absorbed thoughts or reflections, often to the point of ignoring or disregarding the world and the perspectives of others.

Example sentences:

  1. He spent hours solipsizing about his own accomplishments without giving any attention to his friends' achievements.
  2. While solipsizing about her problems, she failed to notice the people around her who needed support.
  3. Don't get lost solipsizing; remember to listen and value the opinions and experiences of others.

Part of Speech: Noun

Definition: The act or habit of excessively focusing on oneself and disregarding the thoughts, feelings, or concerns of others.

Example sentences:

  1. His solipsizing was affecting his relationships as he rarely took others' needs and desires into consideration.
  2. The novel's protagonist gradually draws away from reality, falling deep into solipsizing and losing touch with the outside world.
  3. She realized that her constant solipsizing hindered her ability to empathize with others and connect on a deeper level.

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