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solanum wrightii


Definitions from WordNet

Noun solanum wrightii has 1 sense
  1. potato tree, Brazilian potato tree, Solanum wrightii, Solanum macranthum - South American shrub or small tree widely cultivated in the tropics; not a true potato
    --1 is a kind of shrub, bush
    --1 is a member of Solanum, genus Solanum

Definitions from the Web

Solanum wrightii


Solanum wrightii is a species of flowering plant commonly known as Wright's nightshade. It is a perennial herb native to the southwestern United States and northern Mexico. This plant belongs to the Solanaceae family and is known for its beautiful purple flowers and oval-shaped fruit. Solanum wrightii has various medicinal uses and is often used in traditional herbal remedies.

Sample Sentences:


  1. The garden was adorned with vibrant purple blooms of Solanum wrightii.
  2. Scientists are studying the chemical composition of Solanum wrightii fruit.


  1. She brewed a soothing tea made from dried Solanum wrightii leaves.
  2. The local community values the sustainable cultivation of Solanum wrightii plants.


  1. The indigenous people traditionally used Solanum wrightii as a natural remedy for skin ailments.
  2. He carefully extracted the seeds from the Solanum wrightii fruit and planted them in his garden.

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