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soiree musicale


Definitions from WordNet

Noun soiree musicale has 1 sense
  1. musical soiree, soiree musicale - a soiree assembled for the purpose of listening to music
    --1 is a kind of soiree

Definitions from the Web

Term: Soiree Musicale


Soiree Musicale refers to a musical event or gathering, typically held in the evening or night, where performances or recitals are presented to entertain the attendees. These soirées often showcase various genres of music and provide a platform for musicians to showcase their talent while engaging with the audience.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The local community organized a delightful soiree musicale in the park, featuring a range of classical and contemporary pieces.
  2. Attending the soiree musicale at the prestigious concert hall was a memorable experience for music enthusiasts.
  3. The talented pianist mesmerized the audience with a captivating performance during the soiree musicale.

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