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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective softhearted has 1 sense
  1. softhearted, soft-boiled - easily moved to pity or sorrow; "a softhearted judge"
    Antonyms: hardhearted, heartless, flinty, obdurate, stony

Definitions from the Web


Definition: Having or showing sympathetic or tender feelings; easily moved to love, pity, or compassion.

Part of Speech: Adjective

Sense 1: Having a kind and gentle nature.

Usage: She is known for her softhearted nature, always willing to help those in need.

Example sentence: The softhearted teacher couldn't resist giving his students extra marks to boost their morale.

Sense 2: Easily moved to tears or sentimentality.

Usage: The movie's emotional climax left even the softhearted audience in tears.

Example sentence: The heartfelt letter brought a tear to his softhearted eyes.

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