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soft goods


Definitions from WordNet

Noun soft goods has 1 sense
  1. drygoods, soft goods - textiles or clothing and related merchandise
    --1 is a kind of commodity, trade goods, goods
    --1 has particulars: haberdashery, men's furnishings; white goods, household linen

Definitions from the Web

Soft Goods

Soft goods refer to a category of consumer products made from fabric or other soft materials.

Meaning and Usage

In the retail industry, soft goods typically include clothing, bedding, towels, upholstery, and other similar items. These products are often differentiated from "hard goods" such as electronics or appliances.

In a broader context, "soft goods" can also refer to any soft or flexible items used for various purposes, such as medical supplies, sports equipment, or even toys.


  • I need to buy some new soft goods like shirts and pants for the upcoming summer season.
  • The hotel provides high-quality soft goods, including plush towels and cozy bedding, to ensure a comfortable stay for its guests.
  • The company specializes in manufacturing soft goods for healthcare facilities, such as surgical gowns and disposable gloves.

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