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Definitions from WordNet

Noun snowdrift has 1 sense
  1. snowdrift - a mass of snow heaped up by the wind
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web


Noun - A mass or heap of snow that is formed by the wind

Example sentence:

The fierce blizzard left a massive snowdrift blocking the entrance to our driveway.

Noun - The movement or drifting of snow caused by wind

Example sentence:

The strong gusts of wind created a snowdrift, making it difficult to see the road ahead.

Noun - A large accumulation of snow caused by snowfall

Example sentence:

After a heavy snowfall, the mountain was covered in a serene snowdrift.

Verb - To accumulate or pile up in the form of a snowdrift

Example sentence:

The snow continued to snowdrift in the backyard, reaching the top of the garden fence.

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