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slit trench


Definitions from WordNet

Noun slit trench has 1 sense
  1. slit trench - narrow trench for shelter in battle
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Slit Trench


A slit trench is a narrow trench dug into the ground, typically used for protection from enemy fire during military operations or as a temporary shelter during emergencies.

Samples Sentences:

Noun - Military: Soldiers took cover in the slit trench to safeguard themselves from enemy gunfire.

Noun - Emergency: During the earthquake, the family sought refuge in a slit trench they had prepared in the garden.

Noun - Historical: Slit trenches were integral components of defensive strategies during World War II.

Verb - Interactive: The soldiers were ordered to slit trench their positions to ensure maximum protection.

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