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skillet bread


Definitions from WordNet

Noun skillet bread has 1 sense
  1. skillet bread, fry bread - usually cooked in a skillet over an open fire: especially cornbread with ham bits and sometimes Irish soda bread
    --1 is a kind of quick bread

Definitions from the Web

Skillet Bread

Noun - Cooking: A type of bread that is prepared by cooking it in a skillet instead of using an oven.

Sense 1 - Traditional: Skillet bread is typically a quick and easy recipe that is popular in many cultures. It is often made with simple ingredients such as flour, water, salt, and sometimes yeast. The dough is cooked on a stovetop in a skillet, resulting in a deliciously crispy crust and a soft interior.

Sample sentence: "I love the smell of freshly baked skillet bread in the morning."

Sense 2 - Cornbread: Skillet bread can also refer specifically to cornbread that is cooked using a cast-iron skillet. This type of skillet bread is a Southern staple and is known for its slightly sweet and buttery flavor.

Sample sentence: "The golden-brown skillet bread served at the barbecue restaurant was the perfect complement to the smoky ribs."

Sense 3 - Global Variations: Skillet bread is made in various forms around the world. In countries like India, naan bread is cooked on a skillet called a "tava," while in Mexico, tortillas are often made on a griddle called a "comal."

Sample sentence: "We enjoyed a delicious Indian meal with garlic naan, which was made using a traditional skillet bread technique."

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