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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective sissified has 1 sense
  1. effeminate, emasculate, epicene, cissy, sissified, sissyish, sissy - having unsuitable feminine qualities
    Antonyms: manly, manful, manlike (indirect, via unmanly)

Definitions from the Web

sissified (adjective)

A term used to describe something or someone who has been characterized by qualities traditionally associated with femininity, often suggesting weakness or excessive delicacy.

Example sentence: The rock band's sissified image was a departure from their usual rough and rebellious style.

Related products: Books on gender stereotypes, Movies challenging gender norms

sissified (verb)

The act of making someone or something appear weaker or more feminine.

Example sentence: His friends teased him for sissifying his car by adding pink seat covers and a flowery air freshener.

Related products: Guides on car customization, Books on masculinity and society

sissified (noun)

A person who is perceived as weak or effeminate.

Example sentence: The bully targeted him because he thought he was a sissified.

Related products: Books on dealing with bullies, Guides on self-confidence

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