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silicic acid


Definitions from WordNet

Noun silicic acid has 1 sense
  1. silicic acid - a jelly-like substance (hydrated silica)
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Silicic Acid


Silicic acid is a chemical compound with the molecular formula H4SiO4. It is derived from silica and is a weak acid. Silicic acid exists in various forms such as orthosilicic acid, metasilicic acid, and polysilicic acid.

Sample Sentences:

  1. Orthosilicic acid is commonly found in natural sources such as diatomaceous earth.
  2. Metasilicic acid is utilized in the production of ceramics and glass.
  3. Polysilicic acid can be found in certain plants, playing a role in their growth and protection.

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