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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shufti has 1 sense
  1. shufti - a quick look around (originally military slang); "take a shufti while you're out there"
    --1 is a kind of
    reconnaissance, reconnaissance mission

Definitions from the Web



1. (noun) A quick and scrutinizing glance or look.

2. (verb) To glance or peer quickly and intensely at something or someone.


Sense 1: (noun) A quick and scrutinizing glance or look.

Example Sentence: He gave the room a shufti, taking in all the details at once.

Sense 2: (verb) To glance or peer quickly and intensely at something or someone.

Example Sentence: The detective shuftied at the suspect, trying to determine if he was telling the truth.


Popular: Shufti is commonly used to refer to a quick and careful examination or observation. It can be used as both a noun and a verb.

Example Sentence (popular usage): She took a shufti at the brochure before deciding whether to buy the product.

Local: In certain regions or dialects, shufti may also be used to describe a suspicious or mistrustful look or expression.

Example Sentence (local usage): The shopkeeper gave the customer a shufti when he tried to return the damaged item.

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