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Definitions from WordNet

Noun shrimpfish has 1 sense
  1. shrimpfish, shrimp-fish - slender tropical shallow-water East Indian fish covered with transparent plates
    --1 is a kind of teleost fish, teleost, teleostan
    --1 is a member of Centriscidae, family Centriscidae

Definitions from the Web



A shrimpfish is a small, saltwater fish known for its unique appearance, resembling a shrimp. It belongs to the Centriscidae family and is commonly found in tropical and subtropical regions.


Noun - Animal

1. A type of small fish belonging to the Centriscidae family, characterized by its elongated body and shrimp-like appearance.

Example sentence: The shrimpfish uses its slender body and vibrant colors to blend in with its coral reef habitat.


Popular Usage

The shrimpfish is a fascinating aquatic creature that often captivates the attention of underwater photographers and enthusiasts.

Example sentence: Many snorkelers enjoy observing the mesmerizing movements of shrimpfish near the coral reefs.

Local Usage

In certain coastal regions, shrimpfish is a popular delicacy and is often prepared in various flavorful dishes.

Example sentence: The local fishermen caught plenty of shrimpfish, which will be used for tonight's coastal cuisine festival.

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