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Term: Shreggy Description: Shreggy is an adjective that describes something or someone as being both shabby and rugged in appearance. It is a colloquial term often used informally to refer to objects, clothing, or people who have a worn-out or unkempt appearance but still possess a certain charm or appeal. Sample Sentences: 1. The old cabin in the woods had a shreggy charm to it with its peeling paint and crooked porch. 2. Despite his shreggy appearance, the street musician played the guitar with incredible skill, captivating the passersby. 3. The vintage store is known for its collection of shreggy clothing items, which attract hipsters and fashion enthusiasts alike. HTML Format: ```

Term: Shreggy


Shreggy is an adjective that describes something or someone as being both shabby and rugged in appearance. It is a colloquial term often used informally to refer to objects, clothing, or people who have a worn-out or unkempt appearance but still possess a certain charm or appeal.

Sample Sentences:

  1. The old cabin in the woods had a shreggy charm to it with its peeling paint and crooked porch.
  2. Despite his shreggy appearance, the street musician played the guitar with incredible skill, captivating the passersby.
  3. The vintage store is known for its collection of shreggy clothing items, which attract hipsters and fashion enthusiasts alike.

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