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Definitions from WordNet

Noun showboat has 1 sense
  1. showboat - a river steamboat on which theatrical performances could be given (especially on the Mississippi River)
    --1 is a kind of
    steamboat; river boat

Definitions from the Web



  1. A large and ostentatious boat used for entertainment purposes, especially riverboat theaters.
    • Example: The showboat glided gracefully down the Mississippi River, captivating audiences with its extravagant performances.
  2. Someone who behaves in an extravagant or showy manner to attract attention.
    • Example: His constant bragging and flashy attire confirmed that he was a showboat seeking validation from others.


  1. To behave in an exaggerated or self-promoting manner.
    • Example: During the press conference, the politician showboated his accomplishments to gain public support.
  2. To perform showy or extravagant actions to impress others.
    • Example: The magician showboated his incredible sleight of hand tricks, leaving the audience in awe.

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